The 2013 Opera House Sails projection, spearheading this years Vivid light festival, will be appropriately titled “PLAY”.
The 15 minute show begins with a Play button, that launches into a restless journey through various style and genre’s as it moves seamlessly from one scene to the next, exploring a distinctive mix of iconic and striking scenes, blended with vibrant and graceful movement. This energetic, daring, and delightful play between art and architecture will hopefully touch the hearts of Sydney Siders and reflect what Vivid is all about.
The projection creators, Australia’s own Spinifex Group, intended the piece to move beyond just art, and become a head turning show. In order to title the piece “PLAY” the focus was on entertaining first. “We’d love to earn the respect of the audience and give Vivid a story to tell. Our evolving journey approach will hopefully evoke the audience’s thoughts and opinions. Perhaps they will have a favourite section, perhaps Sydney will have a favourite section? We look forward to the public reaction” Richard Lindsay, Creative Director at the Spinifex Group “Sydney has a a diverse and vibrant creative culture, but it’s important to see the lighter side of life — that’s why we love Sydney. This is a fun piece, and the Spinifex team had a lot of fun creating it”.