Did you know that nearly 60% of the adult population in the US suffers from snoring? That’s a lot of
snoring and also a lot of families being kept awake from their loved one’s snoring and disruptive
sleep habits. Are you known as the snorer in your family, or are you one of the unlucky ones who has
to endure constant sleepless nights due to a family member snoring all night? We know it’s hard not
to take it out on the person snoring but there are actually numerous snoring solutions to help both
sides have a better night’s sleep.
Some general preventive measures that you should try out before looking into any medical
treatments include lifestyle choices such as avoiding smoking and avoiding alcohol (especially just
before bed), sleeping on your side rather than your back could help, as well as losing weight as
obesity around the neck area can cause snoring. Some more serious causes of snoring include Sleep
Apnea and blockage of the breathing passage. The good news is that most of the causes of snoring
do actually have a solution though, some just more serious than others.
Being one of the main causes of snoring, Sleep Apnea is a disorder in which you have one or more
pauses in the breathing while you sleep. If left undiagnosed, Sleep Apnea can increase the risk of
high blood pressure, heart disease, liver problems and memory problems. Therefore it really is
important to look into the cause of yours or your loved one’s snoring problems and t come up with a
suitable snoring remedy for your lifestyle.
To help pinpoint some of the main causes of snoring and some possible solutions, the infographic
below designed by SleepPro, is a really informative piece. The infographic outlines some of the most
common causes of snoring, some general preventive measures, as well as some common snoring
solutions and treatments that might work for you. Good luck and we hope it helps!