Mall Santa Fail

Some numb-nuts at the Palm Beach Gardens Mall thought it would cool and edgy to have Santa rappel down from the catwalk to greet the kids. The one thing they weren’t planning on was his beard and wig getting caught in the line and thus exposing the kids to the hard truth that the mall booked just an ordinary alcoholic pedophile instead of the real Saint Nick.

Paragliding Gone Wrong

A nice relaxing sail is brought to an abrupt end. It helps if you sing the George of the Jungle song while watching this.

Wall Flip Nut Shot

Hopefully these rocket scientists will keep doing things like this and render themselves sterile.

Awesome BMX Crash

Albuquerque Is Scared Of Pedobear

Sometimes local authorities would highly benefit from spending some time on the internet and finding out that they are getting all worked up for nothing.