Dance Moves Gone Wrong

This is what happens when white people try to dance! Especially when they’re drunk. The guy pulls some good old school moves, then the girl hands the camera to someone too stupid to hold it the right way (sorry but you have to turn your head) and proceeds to show us that although she’s cute, she has no rhythm or balance. We’re still waiting for the video shot shortly after this one where two date rapist looking guys take advantage of an unconscious girl with a head wound.

Climbing A Reservoir With Snowmobiles

A couple of guys with balls of steal decide to take their snowmobiles into a frozen reservoir. When they try to get out, the only option they have is to climb the sides.

Swagger Wagon Video

Toyota tries to save face for that whole stuck accelerator deal by coming out with a music video that some marketing exec thought would be cool. Although they tried to make the Sienna SE look hip and cool, what they ended up with is a great black and white video that just reinforces negative stereotypes of their target audience. Those being; White people can’t rap! White people have no rhythm. Men who drive minivans are pansy douche bags. Yuppie moms are unemployed yet have a high opinion of themselves. And finally, yuppie moms were sluts in college. We’re not making this up, watch the video, they say it themselves!

U.S. Pole Dancing Championship Finals 2010

A montage of all the final acts for the 2010 U.S. Pole Dancing Championship. At first we thought these were the losers since none of the girls had any dollar bills in their garter.

Roller Karussell

What happens when you put two bored teens on a park carousel and spin it with a moped? You get one flying dumbass!