Customer Service: It Gets Worse

Remember when Dan Savage started a campaign to convince LGBT teens that “it gets better”? It’s a noble cause, but sadly there’s still a huge subset of the population out there for whom it will only get worse…

The Raves Of MetroCon 2013

One of the highlights of Metrocon is the raves. Friday and Saturday nights MetroCon’s main events hall is transformed into one of the biggest dance fests in Florida. We’re talking thousands of people multiple DJs, bouncy houses, lights, music, cosplay, just overall off the chain. This year Zoe VanWest was the awesome headliner and she rocked the place. Here are some highlights of the events

metrocon rave 2013
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Breaking Bad Recap – Etch A Sketch Version

Warning- Video Contains Spoilers – In the Series Premiere of Todd’s Sketches, he gets you ready for the final season of Breaking Bad by recapping the first 5 seasons. From Walt’s decision to start manufacturing meth, to his tumultuous relationships with Jesse, Gus, and Mike, to his eventual rise to power, it’s all here.