Rollerblader Kisses The Ground

Here’s a good idea, let’s strap on some roller blades and see if we can jump off the roof of a building. It’s a good thing he was wearing a beanie instead of a helmet. A helmet might have thrown off his balance.

Funny Pakistani Reporter

This reporter is trying to film a segment at a busy train station. His location has a nice view, but is right in the middle of the stairs and no one seems to be noticing what he’s doing. The frustration on his face is priceless.

Anthony Bourdain Gets Schooled

By a 10 year old girl at that! If you’ve never seen the show, Anthony Bourdain travels the world exploring foods from different regions. In this episode, he’s speaking with a little girl who goes off about how “hard” his job must be

Puppy Can’t Stay Awake

Here’s your “awwww cute” video of the day. A tired little puppy who just wanted some water but can’t stay awake and keeps falling head first into the water bowl.