Rock’n Out Cancer Video – Iowa State University

These students from Iowa State University made a pretty cool video in the ISU library to help raise awareness for cancer research and serve as an inspiration for all those struggling with the disease. This is part of their Rock’n Out Cancer campaign and they are donating $1 to the fight against cancer for each view it gets! Let’s see how deep their pockets are and spread the video!

More information about their Rock’n Out Cancer campaign can be seen in the extended version of the video below:

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Raised In The 90’s Rap

Did you grow up in the 90s? If you didn’t, do you THINK about the 90s? Or are you just into the 90s as a concept? Then this is the rap from ShueTube is for you! Everything that was great about growing up in the 90s, Nickelodeon, Pokemon, Sega Genesis and MORE of the coolest things from the 90s are name-checked in this awesome 90s Rap video.