WTF Wednesday 7-20

Once again, the Japanese don’t disappoint us when we’re looking for a WTF video. Can someone please get this poor girl some Preparation H?

Cosplay Fever – Raise Your Glass

After spending the weekend at LFCC videoing some great Cosplay enthusiasts, the group over at Cosplay Fever put together this awesome video set to Pink’s “Raise Your Glass“.

Tourettes – Remix Edition

The BBC has a great documentary called Tourettes dealing with the day to day lives of adults living with this condition. But what happens when you take some of their actions and set them to music?

*Language warning*- tourettes, duh

Poorly Executed Fire Jump

We’re not quite sure what this idiot was trying to accomplish but he managed to set himself on fire so at least he provided some entertainment.

Power Rangers Theme On Violin

Played by the pink Power Ranger