This past weekend I loaded up the little Beavers and went to Ft Wilderness at Walt Disney World. It was a mixed trip, the kids are finishing their school year so we wanted to take a vacation, plus I needed to do some recon for some upcoming articles so it all worked out. We get checked in to the cabin and from there, things started to go downhill
Here’s Beaver2 and our little cabin
Its getting to be dinner time and I decide to fire up the grill because it’s not really ‘camping’ unless you’re charring the flesh of animals on an open flame. When I look at the grill I notice a smallish size hole in the bottom. No big deal, we only have a few hotdogs to cook tonight so I’ll just pile everything on the other side, right? Yeah, not so much.
Here’s the hole:
A better shot of the hole (aftermath shot)
As I’m cooking, the wife and I are talking and all of the sudden my left foot starts feeling REALLY hot. I kind of felt like that guy on the commercial for the athlete’s foot medication. I look down and there’s smoke coming from my foot. While I was grilling one of the coals had fallen on the ground and my dumb ass managed to step on it. Not just step on it, but step on it so that it stuck to the bottom of my boot and started burning in. Flames, heat, Ohlawdy I’m on fire!
Das boot
I stomped my foot on the sidewalk to get the charcoal off and then doused it with water. I was thinking great, I finally got these boots broken in and now they’re trashed. Not to mention, now I have to walk around Disney World all weekend with a jacked up shoe. I wear a size 17, it’s not like I can hit Walmart or something and get new shoes.
So as we’re finishing up with dinner a Disney maintenance guy came by and saw me looking at the hole in the grill. He stopped to talk to me and I explained the calamity that he unfortunately had missed. He asked me to take a picture of the grill and go to the front desk to see if they could move my cabin. After all, we had a bunch of groceries that were going to go to waste if we couldn’t use the grill. So I go to the front desk and talk to a nice manager lady. they unfortunately can’t move cabins which is no big deal, but then I come out and see this:
Some douche bag hit my truck in the parking lot! Beaver2 has been defiled! So I headed back to the cabin with my stupid burned shoe and a dinged up truck and prepared to spend the rest of the weekend doing my pimp step walking around Disney World…
I hope your Friday was better than mine 🙁