A while back this image popped up on imgur with the simple caption of “My Dad insisted on using his ‘selfie stick’…”
At first glance it seems rather harmless. Just a dad sitting at the table in a restaurant embarrassing his family with his new toy. But if you look deeper you can see a lot more in this image. This is a family that has had to endure a life of their dad doing stupid and cheesy things and presumably they have heard their fare share of the dreaded Dad Joke. The jokes so bad only dads bother telling them. The dad joke is a right of passage for many men where you want to still be funny, but have to keep it clean because there are kids around. This happy guy relishing in his family’s embarrassment should be the poster child for the dad joke. So with that, a meme is born.
The set up is simple. Using the selfie stick dad pic as the backdrop, just add a terrible dad joke. The result is a groaning facepalm of jokes that will make dry humored dads laugh with glee while accurately portraying everyone else’s reaction
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