10 Amazing Disney Movie Moments That Happened BY ACCIDENT

For movies as big as the ones that come out of Disney, writers spend countless hours pouring over every detail of their scripts to make sure every moment is the best it can be. However, the truth is, when the actors get on set or in the recording booth the script can sometimes go out the window as the stars choose to improvise, ad-lib or just go crazy with the character. Often times, these unplanned moments are scrapped but in some cases these happy accidents end up creating some of the most amazing moments in the film. Here is our list of 10 Amazing Disney Movie Moments That Happened By Accident.

10 Easter Eggs In The Disney Universe That Will Blow Your Mind

The Disney Universe has you covered for your favorite films and that’s because they acquired Star Wars, The Muppets, Marvel Comics and Pixar all within the last few decades. Their universe is large and this means there are a lot of Easter eggs for us to find. We have picked out ten that will surely get you to pay closer attention to the Disney Universe and spark your interest in spotting your own. Stick around to find out how a hidden Mickey was put in a Muppet film. Don’t forget to subscribe and join the notification squad for cool content like this everyday. Here is Screen Rant’s list of ten Easter Eggs In The Disney Universe That Will Blow Your Mind.

6 Secrets To Defeating Deadpool

Filmgoers have finally discovered something Deadpool’s longtime comics fans have known for a while: the Merc with a Mouth is nearly impossible to kill. He soaks up bullets, survives buildings burning down, and even regrows a hand in the weirdest way possible. It’s easy to leave the theater wondering exactly how anyone could ever defeat someone with such an amazing healing factor. Fortunately, years of Deadpool comics have offered an array of techniques for accomplishing just such a goal. Supervillains, avert your eyes! Here are just a few ways to defeat Deadpool…