Meanwhile, In Denmark

How do you make a standard youth football match more exciting for the participants? Just add a little world cup style atmosphere. The awesome folks from the U21 Championship surprised these kids by bringing in new uniforms, reporters, an announcer, a marching band and a mob of cheering fans to give these players an exciting environment for their game.

Is Tropical – The Greeks

The debut album for the band Is Tropical features the song The Greeks. To make themselves stand out from the crowd a little bit, they decided to animate what every little boy envisions is happening when they are playing war. The final result is a great mash-up of live action with cartoon carnage.

*Warning-video has gratuitous animated violence

The Lazy Song- Nimoy Remake

The mediocre song “The Lazy Song” by Bruno Mars has been a battle hymn for slackers worldwide but now the song is getting some good street cred thanks to the main Vulcan himself Leonard mutahf*ckin’ Nimoy. Now the video is much more entertaining to watch.

Ultimate Nutshot Compilation

It’s been a while since we’ve had an episode of “Ow My Balls” so this compilation should make up for it.