Biker Slams Rollerblader

WTF Wednesday 9-21

Britney Spears’ biggest fan

Why You Should Always Look Both Ways Before Crossing The Street

Skateboarders Beat Down Thug With A Gun

These skateboarders are just having some fun minding their own business outside of a school when a couple of guys who are up to no good decide to start making some trouble in the neighborhood. One thug pulls a gun and a skater beat down ensues.

The Great Canadian Pliance Jump

What can we learn from this video other than don’t jump old appliances with a decked out lawn mower and some scrap plywood? The main thing we learn is that Canada has hillbillies too! They always act so superior with their healthcare and proper English but no, as we learn from these geniuses, an appliance is called pliance, the A is silent.