WTF Wednesday 4-13

A double header this week as we look at two examples of ridiculous dancing:

#1- A classic dance with a new twist. This guy is really getting into it.

#2- When hipsters are allowed out unsupervised. We’re pretty sure this is a massive display of what untreated syphilis looks like. (sorry about the audio, the douchebag that filmed it decided to stand next to a speaker)

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Army Soldier Fails Water Test

Concrete Face Smash

If we’ve said it once, we’ve said it a million times, if you resist arrest you will get your ass kicked. It’s simple logic, so don’t do it. This incident happened at Qualcomm Stadium where two San Diego Officers were trying to arrest two drunk fans for disorderly conduct. One of the fans, David Rangel, decides he’s not ready to leave and wants to go back to watching the game. The officer does a fine job of giving him a close up view of what the concrete floor looks like.

Problem At The Steel Plant

Someone surely got fired for this