WTF Wednesday 5-26

This may be a great weight loss plan. Imagine seeing a fat naked man and a dancing angel every time you open your refrigerator.

Skateboarder Tears Himself A New One

In this episode of “Ow My Balls!” we visit a little boy named Micah. Micah wants to be cool and impress his friends by flinging himself off a 20 foot flight of stairs at a San Diego High school. It’s fun to watch him scream in pain while his friends just sit there and stare at him. Good friends there Micah. From what his friends say at the end he’s going to need some stitches, taint no way around it.

Does anyone else think of Boy Scouts when they think of a crying child with a bleeding taint in the school parking lot?

Swagger Wagon Video

Toyota tries to save face for that whole stuck accelerator deal by coming out with a music video that some marketing exec thought would be cool. Although they tried to make the Sienna SE look hip and cool, what they ended up with is a great black and white video that just reinforces negative stereotypes of their target audience. Those being; White people can’t rap! White people have no rhythm. Men who drive minivans are pansy douche bags. Yuppie moms are unemployed yet have a high opinion of themselves. And finally, yuppie moms were sluts in college. We’re not making this up, watch the video, they say it themselves!