San Diego Comic Con is one of the best events on the geek calendar so of course the Sneaky Zebra gang made a pilgrimage out there to film with some of the best cosplayers & costumers celebrating their favourite characters!
Sneaky Zebra
Anime Expo (AX) – The Cosplay Music Video 2017
The Sneaky Zebra gang crossed the pond to hit up Anime Expo this year and get awesome shots of all the cool cosplay action going on
Blizzcon 2016 Epic Cosplay Music Video
Blizzcon 2016 features some of the most epic, clever and gigantic cosplays of the convention scene so of course Sneaky Zebra had to check it out and make an awesome video to show it off. Featuring cosplays from Overwatch, World of Warcraft, Hearthstone, Heroes of the Storm, Diablo 3 and Starcraft.
Comic Con 2016 – Cosplay Music Video
Our friends from Sneaky Zebra flew all the way to San Diego to check out this years Comic Con and make another one of their awesome music videos
WonderCon 2016 – Cosplay Music Video
WonderCon 2016 was in the Los Angeles Convention Center for the first time so Sneaky Zebra teamed up with their friends at Comic-Con HQ to bring us some of the most amazing cosplayers they could find!