The Day The LOLcats Died

This song illustrates what’s going on with SOPA and why we all need to fight against it. If you like having fun on the internet, SOPA will take that away.

Mom Gets A Christmas Eve Surprise

Dave, our resident “Jackass Extraordinaire”, decided to give his mom a little surprise this Christmas. He only goes to church with her once a year but managed to grease the right people to let him do a solo of “Oh Holy Night” for her during the Christmas Eve service. Not only does he totally nail the song, he manages to ensure the next year won’t be filled with the usual mom disappointment. Well, he’s at least good until Easter.

Santa Is A Canadian

Burger King In Russia RULES!

This Russian commercial for Burger King makes it look like the coolest restaurant on the planet. How come Russians get a rocking nightclub with magicians and tattoo artists while we get the BKs that are dirty and smell like a bum’s feet?

Hasidics Show You How To Dougie

This Hasidic Jewish wedding gets off to a great start with a nice Dougie dance