WTF Wednesday 11-23

Sleep easy tonight knowing this lady has a free license to reproduce and most likely votes too.

2 Kids Destroy A House With Flour, Or Did They?

What happens when you leave a 1 and a 3 year old unsupervised with a new bag of flour? A GIANT mess that looks like Keith Richard’s hotel room. The kids seem to be having fun but mom is stuck in “Oh my gosh” mode. Supposedly this is all from one 5 pound bag of flour yet something seems a little fishy. That’s right, we’re calling bullshit on this video, and here’s why: Notice how there’s flour on the pictures but not the wall. It’s evenly spread on ALL the couches and seems to be spread throughout the house. If anyone has spent any time around toddlers they’d know these midget vandals aren’t that thorough. The mess would be in 2 or 3 areas where they dumped the bag out. Plus, mom seems WAY too calm discovering this. There’s not enough Valium in the world to keep your cool like this. Yep, smells like mom is trying to fake her way onto the Ellen show or some other reach for fame.

The Dumbest Place To Take A Picture

Sure it’s important to get that cool action pic when you’re at a race, but maybe you should consider the consequences before lining up the shot.

Kohl’s Tries To Be “Hip” For Black Friday

Some marketing genius over at Kohl’s obviously has a 12 year old daughter and heard Rebeca Black’s song so many times he thought people actually liked it.

When Student Films Go Bad

These aspiring actors are filming a fight scene (or a homo-eritic man on man flick, could go either way with these two) when one of the stars suddenly transforms into a stunt man.