The Best Door To Door Salesman Ever

Generally door to door salesmen get the “No thanks” door slam, but if this guy came to the door it would be worth buying the stupid product just for the comedy.

A Blonde On An Escalator

There’s really not a whole lot more to say, the title pretty much sums it up. How does a blonde ride an escalator? The wrong way of course.

Kid Makes Doing Dishes More Fun

This little dude knows how to make a boring chore a bit more bearable.

A Goldfish In Liquid Nitrogen

Have you ever wondered what would happen if you put a goldfish in liquid nitrogen? Neither did we, but instead of smashing the little guy on the counter this science teacher dumps him back in the fish bowl and the fish comes back to life.

Jeopardy Contestant Has A Dirty Mind

Kara needs to get her mind out of the gutter and back in the game if she wants to try and win