E-Mails From An Asshole 10-29

Dishwasher Confusion

Original ad:
I need a dishwasher dont care what color so long as it is a good working dishwasher that is cheap. I have a truck and can pick it up if necessary.

From me to ********@*********.org:

Hello! My name Miguel, I am good working dishwasher. I work at Ricardo’s Pizza as dishwasher for 5 years- me top dishwasher. Leave your dishes very clean and work for cheap. I have no driving license. You pick up, yes?


From John ******* to Me:

haha I want a dishwashing machine not a person who washes dishes. thanks though.

From Me to John *******:

Yes, I wash dishes like machine…even better! You want, yes?

From John ******* to Me:

No! No want!

I want THIS

That is called a DISHWASHER. I don’t want a porto rican who washes dishes!

From Me to John *******:

Oh noooo, I no Puerto Rican. Puerto Ricans very bad dishwashers – no work ethic. I Mexican – very good work ethic! You no worry, Miguel wash all dishes on time, with pride!

Is that your dishwash machine? I use sink and soap but can use machine too.


From John ******* to Me:

NO dude I want to BUY a machine. i dont know if i can be any clearer. you dont understand me do you?

From Me to John *******:

No worry, I leave dishes clear, clean and sparkle!


From John ******* to Me:

dude you obviously have trouble reading english. here. i used a translater.


you comprende?

From Me to John *******:


From John ******* to Me:

oh for crying out fucking loud dude why did i even bother

fuck this


If you like these e-mails, check out the book by John Lindsay
E-Mails From An Asshole

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