With 2016 finally coming to an end, it’s time for us to take part in the sacred tradition of figuring out what the best posts were. We’ve done the digging, compared the logs, did the math and finally have the list ready. Yet again the tumblr posts were VERY popular this year. It seems more so thank to Pinterest, and since that page grew by over 15,000 users since last January, it’s a trend that will likely continue. There were a few surprises this year but overall it’s a solid list.
So without any more delay, here we go:
10- Funny Scenes From A Yearbook
The yearbook is a great right of passage. You slave away all year long in school and finally you have a chance to commemorate that time with a funny or witty quote. But not everyone uses this opportunity for deep introspection
9- Girls With Bunny Ears Always Make Easter More Festive
Other than getting to eat egg salad sandwiches for a few days, one of the best things about Easter is girls donning a pair of bunny ears in celebration
8- Funny Teacher Confessions
Sure teachers are responsible for helping to shape our future, but many forget they’re people too. And sometimes what they really think and do might be a bit shocking
7- The Dad Joke Meme
This was one of our favorite posts for the year. Not only is it a cute meme, but it has so much room to tell terrible jokes
6- Tumblr Tuesday 5-17
No top post list would be complete without one of the tumblr posts. And the one from 5-17 made it
5- Strange Things Can Happen In Line At Starbucks
Twitter user @ItsBATGIRL recounts her experience while standing in line at Starbucks
4- Fun Times On /r/RoastMe
/r/RoastMe is a great subreddit with some funny cracks. We enjoyed this post so much we were thinking of doing more. And seeing that the fans liked it, this will be happening again soon
3- Funny And Simple April Fool’s Day Pranks
April Fool’s Day pranks are always a fun time. It’s no wonder this post came in at #3
2- Strange Text Messages 6-16
This is always a fun post to do and something you may see more of in 2017
1- Tumblr Tuesday 3-8
For the 2nd year in a row the #1 post for the year is a tumblr post. From looking at the stats the tumblr posts are outranking A LOT of other posts. This is mainly due to the influence of our fans on Pinterest which is cool to see them making that much of an impact on the site.
So there you have it. Another year done and time to start looking forward to all the fun things we’re going to be doing next year. There are some great things in the works so 2017 looks like it’ll be a good time.
Thanks for another fun year Beavers!