Retirement Home Talent Show

This video starts out a little slow but is worth the wait. The residents at this retirement home decided to throw a little talent show and these three decided to do a little dance to Micheal Jackson’s Billy Jean. That artificial hip Earl got from Medicare seems to have been worth the expense. He can boogie down just like those young whipper snappers.

Kitten Discovers A Mirror

For today’s dose of cute overload, we have a kitten who discovers a mirror. And within that mirror is another kitten that is trying to steal her food.

Epic Eggroll

Those crazy Canucks over at Epic Meal Time are at it again. This time they stuffed half the menu of a Chinese restaurant into an egg roll and deep fried it.

How Not To Install A Ceiling Fan

Walkin’ In A Winter Zombieland

An awesome video from TB1z the winter time, and zombies.