Movies With Coffee Added

Movies with Coffee Added
We can all agree that coffee is awesome, but what would happen if our favorite beverage started seeping into classic movies? No, we’re not talking about that snorefest “Coffee and Cigarettes” (OMG that had so much talent but was so painful to watch!), no, we’re talking about everyday classics like Jurassic Park, Gremlins, etc. But with a caffeinated twist. Luckily our friends over at Coffee Tasting Club had the same idea and made these great movie posters to go along with it.

Americano Psycho, 2000 (dir. Mary Harron)
Patrick Bateman is handsome, intelligent, rich … and a total and utter psychopath. But that’s only because he missed out on his coffee this morning. One look at Paul Allen’s steaming latte macchiato and Patrick embarks on a murderous rampage that only ends when Dave from Accounts goes on a coffee run…
Americano Psycho movie poster
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Top 5 CREEPY Facts About Starbucks

Everyone loves a good frappuccino, but these facts about your favorite coffee store are down right gross. In this episode of Top 5 Facts we’re asking questions about this cafe franchise like; Are Starbucks drinks unhealthy? Are they high in calories? What was the deal with their “The Way I See it” Campaign? Do they have any covert coffee shops? Do they treat their staff badly? What’s in Starbucks Pumpkin Spice Latte? and many more.