How To Light A Cigarette With A Microwave

We have no idea what this girl is saying but basically she wants a smoke but doesn’t have a lighter. Rather than lighting it off the stove like most desperate nicotine addicts would, she shows us how to do it in a microwave.

Joey Takes A Flight To Ouchtown

We’re pretty sure Joey didn’t win this race

Let’s Just Be Friends

Alex is so angry at women he had to write a song about it. Guys, has this happened to you? You’re working on a girl and someone you’re too nice and wind up friendzoned. If so, you know Alex’s pain. Ladies, you know how you always say you can never find a “nice” guy? They’re there, but you put them in the friend zone.

Ball Boy Gets Beamed

Little Girl Wants To Hear Britney

Videos like this are a great form of birth control. This little girl goes from raging monster to subdued bopper with the flick of the radio.