Cool desktop backgrounds and wallpapers to pimp out your computer
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Cool desktop backgrounds and wallpapers to pimp out your computer
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Black Panther made his first appearance 52 years ago in Fantastic Four #52. Which makes this the perfect time to look back at how Black Panther has evolved, starting with his genesis in 1965 and debut the following year. To celebrate, our friends over at Came up with this cool infographic to celebrate. They’ve included every major costume within the mainstream Marvel Comics continuity except for designs worn for only a short time. They also included a look at his Marvel Cinematic Universe appearances plus three other superheroes who briefly took up the mantle as Black Panther.
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Cool desktop backgrounds and wallpapers to pimp out your computer
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In theory, we’re nowadays allowed to get together with pretty much anyone we like. And yet, at a psychological level, we aren’t free to love just any suitable person. We have a type – and strangely and awkwardly, these types are often not those who stand a chance of making us maximally happy.
Cool desktop backgrounds and wallpapers to pimp out your computer
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