The Raves Of MetroCon 2013

One of the highlights of Metrocon is the raves. Friday and Saturday nights MetroCon’s main events hall is transformed into one of the biggest dance fests in Florida. We’re talking thousands of people multiple DJs, bouncy houses, lights, music, cosplay, just overall off the chain. This year Zoe VanWest was the awesome headliner and she rocked the place. Here are some highlights of the events

metrocon rave 2013
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Cool Cosplay With Annaka Vader

annaka vader cosplay

This cosplay artist from Texas won our hearts with her love of Star Wars.

When asked about what she liked most about cosplay, this was her response:

I just like obsessing over psychotic characters and villains mainly in costumes SugarBumps! I love to cause the chaos amongst the direction Cosplay is taking! Be, different, be fun, be unique, just always be yourself, in a society that is trying to define what Cosplay is, I am just me. I say be free of any political issues or views, have fun. Anyone can Cosplay, and all cosplayers should be featured. There are no celebrities! At the end of the day, we are just alike! People dressing up as our favorite characters, and pages at the end of a day it’s the impact that you make, the creativity someone can bring to the table, not the popularity contest. Would you rather be remembered for your unique talent and art, or just a name amongst many others? The brightest star shines in the darkness.
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