Drunk Interview

Whenever a story breaks, the news stations try their hardest to get an interview with someone who witnessed it excitement. Some times, it may be better to let the guy sober up a little bit before throwing a camera in his face. The interview with this guy in Hazleton, PA is one of those times.

Chest Bump Gone Wrong

Just a public service announcement: When doing a chest bump, make sure your partner is of equal size. And if your partner isn’t of equal size, tone it down a little bit and don’t bump so hard.

New 3D Road Runner Cartoon

Modern advances in technology have brought us some great things. But none of them seem to be as awesome as the new CGI 3D Lonney Tunes cartoons. This cartoon is one of the three newest CGI animated shorts that are going to be include on the upcoming DVD release of “Looney Tunes Super Stars – Road Runner & Wil E Coyote: Supergenius Hijinks” which will be coming out on May 24th. This short is titles Coyote Falls