WTF Wednesday 12-1

What happens at Film Camp usually stays at Film Camp, except when someone decides to pull out a video camera. This is a close look into the magical world of partying and shenanigans that the Uber Nerd enjoys when their parents aren’t around. Don’t laugh too much, one of those guys may be the next George Lucas.

NSFW – Outtakes

With all the filming we did for our Sexual Harassment Training video, we ended up with a huge pile of outtakes. We figured we’d throw them together for a laugh. If you haven’t seen the original video, you’ll want to check it out!
*Language Warning*

The Bernie Dance

Proof that rappers are out of ideas. A new dance with moves based off the movie Weekend At Bernie’s. That’s right, act like you’re a dead guy wabbling around.

Japan’s Newest Pop Star

This is Miku performing Stargazer live. That’s right, a complete CGI pop star. No longer will music execs have to worry about their sweet little female musicians turning into pregnant alchoholic druggies by the time they turn 17.

Want to know how they do it?
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NSFW- Sexual Harassment Training

What happens when an unruly group of office workers are forced to attend sexual harassment training? This StrangeBeaver Original film explores that idea in our first video from the Not Safe For Work series. (Language Warning)

Special thanks to the cast for all their hard work, Joe Terrana for the sound, and Matthew Schiel for directing a group of wild animals. Also, mad props to Infinite Skillz for the awesome theme song!
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