Fainting Kittens

Myotonia Congenita is generally known as ‘fainting goat’ syndrome where at the slightest sound an animal will collapse and fall into paralysis for about a minute. It happens quite a bit in goats but this video shows two kittens that have it as well. This should be something that all cats have. When they start scratching your furniture or doing something you don’t want them to what happens? You yell at them, clap your hands, whatever, they just sit there and look at you. If they all had this, they would stop what they’re doing when you want them to.
BTW- The original music that was with this clip tried to make it a sad little tear jerker so you feel sorry for the cats. We decided to make it a little more entertaining.

WTF Wednesday 10-27

You know, some times Japan goes so far that even other people in Japan would go, “WTF man?”. We’re pretty sure THIS is one of those times. This is a set of clips from the Youth Classrom scenes in the Japanese movie Funky Forest.

Cats Playing Patty Cake

A little bit of aaaawwwwww to brighten your day

Subway Beggar Fail

This one is kind of long, but the payoff is great. This is why you don’t give to people begging for change.

What Not To Do When Getting Arrested

This guy is being stopped by the Polizei for probably being drunk in public. While the officer is calling for backup, he does the unthinkable. If he were in the U.S. his antics would probably have been met with a tazer or a baton.