Dog Assaults Old Lady

Just a little PSA: If a dog starts humping your leg, DON’T get on your hands and knees, that just encourages him. Then again, this is probably the most action this lady has seen in years. It was also nice of her family to stand around and laugh instead of helping.

Extreme Longboarding

These crazy Canadians are in New Zealand and decide to longboard down a hill while dodging traffic.

Nice Kick

While this karate star is trying to show off, one of his classmates is standing in the wrong place.

Flag Waiving Fan Falls Out Of Car

It’s been a while since we’ve posted a good Friday Fail video so we decided to post this one. A soccer fan was celebrating his teams win by riding in the back of a convertible with his uncaring friend driving. The driver decides to peal out to try and impress everyone, resulting in his friend taking a quick flight.

Skateboarder Racks The Sack

This episode of ‘Ow My Balls’ is another skateboarder who obviously hasn’t watched Youtube to see the hundreds of other guys fail at doing the same stunt.