Puppy Can’t Stay Awake

Here’s your “awwww cute” video of the day. A tired little puppy who just wanted some water but can’t stay awake and keeps falling head first into the water bowl.

Playboy Macarena

We thought the Macarena fad had finally died out and we wouldn’t have to hear that horrible song again. Then a video comes along that tried to bring back all those horrible memories, but makes up for it with a gaggle of hot girls. This is video comes from a recent casting call for Playboy.

Nice Job Mom

Ah, the joys of parenting. This commercial highlights how much fun it can be.

Wedding Photographer’s Epic Fail

Instead of worrying about lining up the shot to get that great picture of the happy couple, this wedding photographer is going for the spray and pray rapid fire method. With all his attention on the happy couple he fails to remember there is a fountain in the church. Judging by the equipment he was using, this fail probably cost more than the ceremony. If only he had used that $4,000 giant telephoto lens to shoot the bride and groom coming down the aisle…what a dumbass.

Destination Unknown – Alex Gaudino featuring Crystal Waters

This is an older video but it fits with PSTD Clarinet Boy in this week’s meme so we figured we’d throw it in. The music isn’t half bad, but the selling point is the marching band. If all high school marching bands looked like this it’s a safe bet that they would get a lot more street cred.