It’s the end of the year so you know what that means. Time for the “best posts of the year” list. We searched the logs and come up with the most popular posts of 2012.
So tallying up the hits, here is the list:

Garbage Man Is Having A Bad Day

Strange Text Messages 4-26

Dungeons & Dragons, & Bitches

Smart Ass Learns Not To Run His Mouth At The Court House

Extreme Parenting Fail At The Skate Park

This one was a surprise to us. It’s relatively new since it was just posted two months ago yet it seems to be very popular.
Facebook Fails 10-5 Part 2
Honorable Mention:
This one was VERY close to tying with the #12 spot so we figured we would include this along with our list.
Girlfriend Of 1 Week Tattoos Boyfriend’s Face On Her Arm, Facebook Freakout Ensues
So there you have it! The best of 2012. Thank you Beavers for making it a fun year. Now let’s make 2013 even better!