The Law & Order: SVU star has been causing tidal waves with female fans ever since he rocked his tighty whities on OZ. The grippies didn’t end there, he’s been seen in many episodes of L&O rocking his skivvies, only briefly though. Now the women are taking matters into their own hands and a new batch of memes are popping up highlighting his most prized asset. The meme has been refereed to as the SVU Meme, the Christopher Meloni Meme, or even Christopher Meloni’s Butt. Whatever it’s called let us all celebrate the fact that this guy’s butt got a meme before Kim Kardashian’s butt did.
The meme generally depicts Christpher Meloni’s butt and has text relating to a legal pun to fit with the Law & Order: SVU theme. If you want to make you own, check out the Christopher Meloni Butt Meme generator on imgflip. And don’t forget to show us what perverted things you came up with