The Laws Of The Internet

We’re all familiar with Murphy’s Law, but do you know the laws that rule the internet? Some of these even apply in real life. We’re pretty sure people have been using Godwin’s Law since at least the late 40s. But some of the others never really seemed to have a well known name, until now. Imguraian kivalo has compiled a list of the top internet laws to help you keep track of what’s going on.

The Laws Of The Internet

The Laws Of The Internet

The Laws Of The Internet

The Laws Of The Internet

The Laws Of The Internet

The Laws Of The Internet

The Laws Of The Internet

The Laws Of The Internet

The Laws Of The Internet

The Laws Of The Internet

The Laws Of The Internet

The Laws Of The Internet

The Laws Of The Internet

The Laws Of The Internet

The Laws Of The Internet

The Laws Of The Internet

The Laws Of The Internet

The Laws Of The Internet

The Laws Of The Internet

The Laws Of The Internet

Via: imgur

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