“Eat Mor Beaver” Shirts Are Now Available

A couple of our staffers came up with the idea for this shirt a few months ago but the idea never really got going. It was a play on the marketing campaign of a major fast food chain but with one caveat; all the proceeds would go to an LGBT charity, just to piss off the homophobes a little more. With recent events, we’ve decided to dust this one off and give it a run. All proceeds from these shirts will be donated to The Human Rights Campaign, even if you don’t want to buy a shirt, please take a moment to check out The Human Rights Campaign and see all the great work they do. Change requires action, and we are all about getting some action here at StrangeBeaver 😉
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Back To The Future Parody: 88 MPH!

Nick from Sneaky Zebra and his partner Gary have a plan: Using a Delorean, they want to go back in time when YouTube was initially founded (February 14th, 2005 ) and create the most popular videos before anyone else. Will they succeed? I guess only time will tell…

Proceeds from this video will be donated to the Michael J Fox foundation – the more this video is shared/facebooked/twittered the more we can donate. So get sharing and we can make a positive impact on the people who suffer from Parkinsons.

So share the shit out of this, it’s for a good cause!

Pogo GoPro