Star Wars Snowflakes

Here’s a little DIY to geek out your Christmas decorating. We all made paper snowflakes when we were kids, now that we’re grown up, why stop? But instead of making sissy little snowflakes, makes these bad ass Clone Trooper/Boba Fett or Darth Vader snowflakes. Complete with the Galactic Empire logo in the middle to give it that special touch.

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How We Wish The New Yogi Bear Movie Would End

The latest lame attempt at a Yogi Bear movie is set to relase on the 17th of this month. In their spare time, the animaters came up with an alternative ending that would probably make this crapfest of a movie worth watching. Since you know this didn’t make the final cut, and since the rest of the movie will suck, go ahead and watch this clip. We just saved you 10 bucks.