E-Mails From An Asshole 6-24


Original ad:
Clean fill
Need clean fill rocks are fine. not much. cannot pick up must deliver. will take off you hands for free.

From Me to brad ********:

I have some rocks I need to get rid of. I have several different types of rocks ranging from 1/2″ to 6″ rocks. Just let me know what kind you want, how much you need, and when I can send my guy to deliver.



From brad ******** to Me:
well i need them to fill a small whole in my backyard so bigger rocks i guess? 6 inch would be good. i only need like 2 wheelbarow loads so not too many. when can you deliver?

From Me to brad ********:
6″ it is. I can have a truck there to deliver any time between 9-5 Monday through Friday. Where are you located?

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Goal Post Double Nutshot

With a side of super wedgie. This guy genuinely looks injured after this. Hopefully it caused some damage. The gene pool could use a little cleaning.

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Funny Motorcycle Crash

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