Train Horn On A Small Car Prank

These guys rig up a train horn on a tiny little electric car then cruise around pranking people. Generally these kids of people are douche bags, but these guy make it a little more entertaining.

Guy Learns Not To Run His Mouth On The Bus

On the afternoon commute, this guy was harassing a couple of girls on the bus. Another passenger decided to intervene on the ladies behalf which led to Mr Harasser trying to take out his frustrations on Mr White Night. By the time they got to the next stop Mr White Knight had had enough and decides to teach the guy some manners.

YAY public transportation!

Comic Book Characters, Painted By Picasso

Say all you want about Picasso being a brilliant artist, but this artwork by Mike Esparza proves the man wouldn’t be so amazing at making comics. These are stunning interpretations of the characters and do look like something Picasso could have created, but how the heck could anyone cosplay Superman with his eyes on top of each other or Wonder Woman with a crooked neck? It’d never work.

comic book characters by picasso
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