The Most Ungrateful Kids

Some parents wark very hard to give their kids nice things, then there are times like this when all that hard work is met with a big steamy pile of ungratefulness. The lesson learned here, beat your kids more often then they’ll be thankful when you do something nice.

WTF Wednesday 11-10

Can you believe that people used to actually see this commercial, then go out and buy the product? Granted, the Friday The 13th music was added for effect but still, that is one creepy commercial!

Do the BiG Blue Test

Roche Diabetes Care is making a donation for every time this video is viewed so please spread the word. All you have to do is watch the video and some little kid gets insulin. And yes, if you don’t watch the video, you will deprive some little kid of insulin which we would call a “dick move”. So please watch the video.

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