Dad Smacks Kid Playing Kinect

Maybe smack isn’t the best word to use, how about knocks the crap out of her? While dad is getting his groove on with his new Xbox Kinect, he figured sure, let the kids watch and run around. Sure enough, a few moments later, the poor little girl is seeing stars. It’s ok though, those baby teeth were going to fall out eventually.

ABC’s According To Star Wars

Something magical happens when nerds have kids. Aside from finally having proof that they have had relations with something other than a gym sock, there’s usually a spark of ingenuity to put their nerdiness to use. This story is no different. When Brandon and Emma Peat found out they were going to have a nerdling of their own, they decided to create something original. Thus an alphabet book based off of Star Wars was created. Using their own drawings they made a list of characters (non from the prequels but they used the Expanded Universe to fill some gaps), they drew out what would become a book that would help finance their offspring’s college fund.

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Little Kid Doesn’t Like His Present

It’s Christmas morning and this little guy is opening his presents when he finds one that just does not agree with him. Granted, his parents may have had good intentions, but what kids really wants books for Christmas?