Star Wars Pancake Molds

Have you ever tried making Star Wars shaped pancakes(Death Star doesn’t count)? Of course not. Why? Because you have better things to do. But if you ever get the desire, William Sanoma now has the hook up! The scary part is the description from their website:
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ATilla At Home

Not only is today the 30th birthday of Pac Man, it is also the 30th anniversary of Star Wars Episode IV: The Empire Strikes Back. One of the coolest things that came out of this episode was the AT-AT. Think about, any army can roll up and attack you with a tank, but the Empire felt they needed something more stylish. Why just roll up and blow away your enemy when you can land miles away and slowly walk toward them. Granted, this gives them plenty of time to dig in and defend themselves, but these are rebels we’re talking about, how good can they be? It’s not like 3 years ago they used a stunt fighter to destroy your biggest battle station or anything.

Nick Drummond got a toy AT-AT and wanted to treat it like a new pet. This led to a funny pictorial series he dubbed ATilla At Home:

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