The “dad joke” is known to cause groans and even sometimes actual physical pain. But maybe it’s not the joke itself that’s the problem, maybe it’s the person telling the joke. Let’s see what happens when the same terrible joke is told by a pretty girl instead of a khaki wearing dad
Dads Doing It Right
We know that parenting can suck some times, but with Father’s Day coming up we figured it was time to give a shout out to those dads that do that fathering thing awesomely
Fun Times On /r/RoastMe 6-8
If you’re not familiar with reddit it’s a content aggregator site and on the site is a category called RoastMe. The premise is simple, users submit images of themselves and ask the crowd roast them. The harsher the insult the better. Sometimes it’s mean, sometimes it’s derogatory, but it’s always funny and in jest
Strange Text Messages 5-18
Strange and funny text messages
Girls In Bunny Ears Make Easter More Festive
Easter is right around the corner so what better way to celebrate than with some festive bunny girls showing off their Easter spirit?