The New Way To Put On A Condom

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation offers 100,000 USD for projects that improve things around condoms.

“Application of knowledge from other fields” is explicitly called for. Bill looks for “attributes that increase ease-of-use” and designs that make it “easier to properly apply” a preservative.

Of course The Slingshot Channel HAS to come forth and help the visionary billionaire on his lofty quest. Therefore, this video brings to you the world’s first condom applicator slingshot gun!

See for yourself.

Incredible Photos of Architectural Density in Hong Kong

With seven million people, Hong Kong is one of the most densely populated areas in the world. While the plain numbers may not sound too intriguing, the pictures look absolutely mind-blowing. In his ‘Architecture of Density’ photo series, German photographer Michael Wolf explores the incredible urban landscapes of Hong Kong.

Stripped of all outer context like sky or ground, his photos only show fragments of massive blocks of apartments, both crumbling or still in construction. The way their monotone and repetitive details occupy the whole frame is mesmerizing, and makes you think about all the walls we build around ourselves.

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