Glute Excercises On PBS

All these years everyone thought PBS was just showing episodes of Antique Road Show and reruns of Sesame Street, they had little hidden gems like this hanging around. The next time they’re running one of those telethons begging for donations to save the channel they need to throw clips like this out. That should get the phones to start ringing!

Why A Newspaper Is Better Than An iPad

Newsday has come out with a great commercial to show why they still make the printed version of their newspaper.

Passed Out At Wal Mart

This poor guy is at Wal Mart with his stripper looking girlfriend who is way too wasted to be conscious. So what does he do? He just chucks her in the cart and goes on about his shopping. Things get hairy at the check out stand as he has to move her around and try to get the groceries out.