Cool Birthstone Guide By Month

Birthstones are always confusing for guys, luckily the gang from Personal Creations gave us this handy dandy guide with cool graphics explaining what they all mean.

Birthstones have been around for thousands of years, and have had religious and societal significance throughout that time in cultures around the globe. Some believe that these stones have healing or other metaphysical properties, while some simply appreciate the gems for their vibrancy and luster. Everyone from kings to meditation gurus have used and appreciated the properties of these stones, and so can you!

We collected information about each of the 12 birthstones and put them into 12 simple yet informative animated graphics.

January – Garnet
The name “Garnet” is derived from the Latin term garanatus, which means “seed” or “seed like.” There are historical references dating back as far as 3100 B.C. in Ancient Egypt, where Garnet was compared to the pomegranate seed in appearance.
Birthstones of different months
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