Take a moment out of your day and learn something new with these interesting random facts
Top 10 Jurassic World Facts
If you watch this film and you won’t be able to sleep, or get the soundtrack out of your head! Join WatchMojo as they count down their picks for the Top 10 Jurassic World facts!
Interesting Facts About Google You May Not Have Known
Google is without a doubt the one internet company most of us can’t live without. But these facts give some interesting insight into this behemoth of a company
R-Rated History Facts They Don’t Teach In School
1. Anne Frank was very curious about her lady parts and discussed masturbation and menstruation quite a bit in her original writings.
The version of her diary that’s published and read in schools today is highly edited, leaving out almost all of her entries about self-exploration.
Weird and Bizarre U.S. Facts
From our towns, to our cities, to our states, the U.S. is one odd place. We’ve got strange people, strange traditions, and strange laws, all adding up to make America one of the most bizarre countries in the world. Check out some of the things that make us so wacky.