Lazy Teenage Superheroes

What can you do with three hundred bucks? More than just a fun bender of hookers and blow if you also happen to have a good working knowledge of digital effects and a decent amount of time on your hands. Aspiring director and effects man Michael Ashton has debuted his video Lazy Teenage Superheroes, a twelve minute short following a group of super powered teens who just want to spend their afternoon getting drunk and high but keep being interrupted by a succession of villains.

Ashton has just released the full short video. It has some faults here and there but overall it’s very well done. Hopefully we’ll see some more work from this young director.

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The Worst Church Choir Ever

It’s bad enough when white people try to rap, but white senior citizens? That’s just crap. Of course that doesn’t stop this group from filing their funky rhymes for their demo video. With a bonus strip tease at 4:30.