The Bender – Schaffer The Darklord

What happens when a group of nerds get time to play unsupervised and things get out of hand? Nerdcore Rapper Schaffer the Darklord shows us in this awesomely powerful cautionary tale about substance abuse where “just one drink” and lack of control turns the innocent outing into a three-day bender. Mad props the the cast and crew that put this together. We’ve used the “censored” version but if you want to see the unedited one, check it out at ThingsToLookAt
*Content Warning- This is the censored version but it is still pretty racy. If you get fired from your job for watching this don’t come crying to us, we warned you*

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WTF Wednesday 12-1

What happens at Film Camp usually stays at Film Camp, except when someone decides to pull out a video camera. This is a close look into the magical world of partying and shenanigans that the Uber Nerd enjoys when their parents aren’t around. Don’t laugh too much, one of those guys may be the next George Lucas.

Fun With Google Instant

With Google’s new instant search there’s a lot of fun things you can do. Even make a video to We Didn’t Start The Fire by Billy Joel.