Owned While Planking

You know what’s dumber than planking? Calling these tossers your friends.

Best Big Ball Knockouts

Pranking A Russian Cop

When you have an opportunity like this, how could you resist? We’d think less of him if he didn’t do it.

E-Mails From An Asshole 6-24


Original ad:
Clean fill
Need clean fill rocks are fine. not much. cannot pick up must deliver. will take off you hands for free.

From Me to brad ********:

I have some rocks I need to get rid of. I have several different types of rocks ranging from 1/2″ to 6″ rocks. Just let me know what kind you want, how much you need, and when I can send my guy to deliver.



From brad ******** to Me:
well i need them to fill a small whole in my backyard so bigger rocks i guess? 6 inch would be good. i only need like 2 wheelbarow loads so not too many. when can you deliver?

From Me to brad ********:
6″ it is. I can have a truck there to deliver any time between 9-5 Monday through Friday. Where are you located?

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How Crazy Cat Ladies Get Started

You ever see those news reports about an old lady that has like 100 cats and wonder how they got that way? This video may help. Meet Debbie, she’s filming her bio video for her eHarmony profile. The only problem, she may love cats a little too much. It’s a wonder why a gem like this is still single. The good news is you get a good dose of how crazy she is up front.