Star Wars Secrets: Who REALLY Is Rey’s Father? [Documentary]

The marketing for Star Wars: The Force Awakens kept this movie’s biggest reveal a secret right up until release, when fans learned that Rey, the scavenger from the planet Jakku was the next trilogy’s hero, to be trained by Luke Skywalker himself. With Rey’s parents noticeably absent in the story, and after more than a few hints were dropped that the girl was following in Luke’s footsteps, a ton of fans walked out of the theater assuming the same thing: that Rey was really the daughter of Luke Skywalker – a secret that would probably be revealed over the course of the new trilogy.

We’ve run down the evidence and theories in a previous docu video, but as more and more fans have taken father-daughter relationship to be an obvious one, we think it’s only fair to remind everyone that it’s still just a theory for now. In fact, when you weigh all the evidence, there’s just as much reason to believe she CAN’T be a Skywalker in disguise. We’ll let you decide for ourselves when our latest docu video is over: Is Luke Skywalker REALLY Rey’s Father?

10 Star Wars Mysteries That Were Never Answered

As one of the most popular franchises in all of pop culture, fans spend a lot of time dissecting each frame of a Star Wars film. The saga is a touchstone for generations of moviegoers, meaning that many people are well versed in each of their secrets. But even the most die-hard supporters can get stumped every now and then. There are aspects of the movies that have yet to be revealed. Here are Screen Rant’s 10 Star Wars mysteries that were never answered.

Baby Star Wars Characters As Traditional Chinese Art

Hong Kong based artist Tik Ka is known for the “So Ha” Art, demonstrating different aspects of traditional Chinese culture with lovable baby characters. In his latest series he’s mashed up some of our favorite Star Wars characters and rendered them as Chinese babies.

(Translations of the Fai Chun captions are below the images)

Baby Star Wars Characters As Traditional Chinese Art
冬暖夏涼 – Here’s wishing you stay warm during winter and cool during summer. So here’s hoping Luke stays warm while in Hoth.
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Is Jar Jar Binks a Sith Lord?

A recent Star Wars fan theory has been doing the rounds on the internet, and it is blowing the minds of franchise superfans everywhere. What if Jar Jar Binks was the evil Sith mastermind behind the entire prequel trilogy? Unlike many highly-speculative fan theories, there is actually ample evidence within Episodes 1-3 to back this idea up, and comments from George Lukas and Jar Jar Binks’ voice actor seem to suggest that key elements of the Jar Jar character were changed at the last minute to appease disgruntled fans. So what do you think about this theory, and the fact that after 15 years, fans are still trying to “fix” the Star Wars prequels?